Our Team


Hannah Quirk

Director / Occupational Therapist
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

What do you do?

I have a lot of fun supporting people with acquired brain injuries do the things that matter to them the most. I also dream up new ways to provide high quality services to people with acquired brain injuries and implement them in our service.

Why do you do it?

I enjoy the variety and I’m not afraid of a challenge. Every client is unique and they each deserve access to high quality services and the opportunity to realise their own potential. I get satisfaction from seeing clients evolve over time and I delight in celebrating with clients when they achieve their goals. 

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Committed, flexible, fun.

What does your future look like?

Professionally – I’d like to continue to develop Therapy HQ into a more dynamic and comprehensive service. I want to support more people on their ABI journey, and I want our clients to be able to access the unique services they deserve.

Personally – I’d like to dust off my sewing machine and learn to make my own clothes, be a competent gardener and beekeeper and find more time to spend with family and friends.


Ready to refer yourself or a client to Hannah and the team? Visit our referrals page and fill out our form online.